Wednesday 5 June 2013

Miss Jones has an Aura-Soma Reading

I would not be surprised if you have never heard of Aura-Soma, as I hadn't.
So what is Aura-Soma?  It is a colour-care system that has been developed to capture the colour energies that make each person who they are.  The Aura-Soma system is supposed to empower you to help yourself.

How does it work?  You are given a choice of one hundred bottles to choose from (like the bottles above) and you are allowed to pick four.  Depending on what bottles you choose and in what order you choose them your reading will be different.

Once you have chosen all four bottles and you are sitting with the consultant, she will go through and tell you what colour your personality chakra is (I was pink) and what is going on your life.  My reading was surprisingly spot on even though I was very hesitant at first.

After the reading you can have one of the bottles that you chose.  These bottles contain liquids composed of all natural ingredients such as herbs, essential oils and some contain emerald, topaz and other crystals.

If you want to have an Aura-Soma consultation here is a link to the website:

Miss Jones xxx

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