Friday 15 March 2013

Miss Jones is feeling poorly...

Am feeling a bit poorly today, I think this crazy UK weather has gotten the better of me. I have to admit to you all when I get a bit poorly I'm a bit of a man-flu-er, i.e a moaner, lie around and feel sorry for myself-er. So today going into work was a real struggle and I spent the morning longing for my cozy bed, a cup of tea and my fluffy hot water bottle.

So I thought I would come up with a list of must dos for when you are feeling a little blue and under the weather:
1. Drink lots of tea (if possible lemon, honey and ginger) to give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside
2. Text all your friends, tweet and update Facebook so you have as many people as possible feeling sorry for you! It's always nice to receive sympathetic messages, especially from your mummy
3. Wear Ugg boots, heels are a no no, granny pants are also a must - maximise comfort on days like these
4. Sneak a hot water bottle into work
5. Eat LOTS of chocolate and I guess the odd orange for some vit C
6. If you are taking a sick day watch some classic movies, I'm talking Dirty Dancing, The Notebook, Titanic. It's mandatory to watch these wrapped in your duvet
7. Read trashy magazines
8. Light some candles and have a bubbly bubble bath
9. If you have a special someone - make sure they do everything for you - foot massage, cooking, tea making
10. Avoid all forms of exercise
So if your feeling under the weather, take my advice and do ALL of the above, I certainly will be this weekends
Miss Jones xx

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