Tuesday 14 May 2013

Tube Etiquette

I know that we all rush around on the tube in the morning getting to work and none of us particularly enjoy using the tube.

One thing that never goes a miss is tube etiquette.  I am sure that most of you will agree with me, when you are being squashed to an inch of your life, that an excuse me or an after you would not go a miss.

I have found over the years of living in London that the tube can be at times very testing.  When you have rucksacks pushed into your face, people stepping on your toes or sitting next to you with music blasting out of their earphones.  Not the best tube experience for everyone.

It takes a second to say excuse me instead of shoving you further into the train.  Don't race the pregnant woman to the seat that is spare on the tube and then sit and smile as you have managed to get a seat. If you see someone that is elderly, get up and offer them your seat.  You can stand till your stop. It really is the little things in life that matter and do you really have to get that seat to make your day a better day?

A smile and an 'after you' goes a long way.  When you offer someone their seat, watch their smile, it makes a difference.

If we all just gave each other a little bit of courtesy it really would make the world a better place.

If you have any stories of your testing tube times, drop them into us at Miss Jones, enquiries@missjonespa.com.


Miss Jones xx

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