Thursday, 13 October 2011

Fiona Kirk - eat, live, love!! Simple as that.....

Have you tried every eating plan under the sun? I have! Dukan, Atkins, Slimming World etc, some with amazing results and some that just left me starving and wanting to eat everything in sight! When I met Fiona Kirk something clicked and made me realise that you can eat well and be healthy.

When it comes to diets and healthy eating nutritionist and author, Fiona Kirk can rant for Britain - particularly about the crazy lengths to which some will go to lose weight and feel great.

Deprivation, frustration and denial make us miserable, tired and hungry and have no place at her table. When we learn how to eat, live and love good food and address our own priorities it is a great deal easier to body-swerve the wealth of diet nonsense that is coming at us from all sides and find the fit, healthy individual we know is lurking within!

Her goal is to cut through the confusion that is being hurled at us from all sides and give us both the knowledge and the tools to make a few changes. By writing articles for the press, writing books (So What the F*** Should I Eat and 2 Weeks in the Fast Lane) and giving talks, Fiona has discovered that her somewhat cynical take on some of the nonsense being touted around has struck a chord with her audiences.

At Miss Jones we are looking to have a paid for event towards the end of January with Fiona Kirk so if you are interested let us know at

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